محل تبلیغات شما
متن زیر قسمتهایی از نقل قول های ن ایرانی شرکت کننده در یک مطالعه پژوهشی است: "Giving birth naturally is part of being a woman.” Normal delivery can be considered as the most meaningful experience in a woman's life.” "We have always heard that being able to deliver naturally and successfully often makes a woman feel stronger and less fearful about dealing with other challenges in life.” "You can hug your baby right after normal delivery.

خونریزی تاخیری بعد از زایمان

صدا گذاری روی اسلاید با استفاده از موبایل

سوالات خود را بپرسید.

a ,” ,woman ,being ,delivery ,and ,a woman ,life ” ,feel stronger ,woman feel ,makes a



محل تبلیغات شما

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پرسش مهر 98